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"You don't have to swim faster than the shark, just faster than the guy next to you." - Anonymous

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Fishy Business

I came across this anecdote in an old issue of Reader’s Digest and just had to share it with you. Image credit: Disney Pictures (Jacques from ‘Finding Nemo’)

Two prawns, Tom and Christian were swimming around in shark- infested waters discussing how difficult their lives were. “We never know when we’re going to get eaten” said Tom. “I wish I was a shark -then I wouldn’t have to worry."

At that moment a large cod appeared. “Your wish is granted” it said and whoosh Tom turned into a great white shark. Christian, terrified off his former best friend swam away and hid.

Months passed and life grew very lonely for Tom. Whenever he saw his old prawn friends, they swam away in fear. Christian was so upset by his old pal joining the enemy that he reused to leave his home.

Desperate to put things right, Tom searched everywhere for the mysterious cod. Eventually he found him. “Please make me a prawn again” he begged. Whoosh he was a shellfish again.

With tears of joy in his little eyes, he rushed home to Christian. He banged on the door and said “Hey! It’s me. Come out and see me!”. “No way” said Christian “I won’t be tricked into being your dinner.”

“But that was the old me” implored Tom “I’ve changed. I’ve found cod. I’m a prawn again, Christian!”
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