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Monday, July 24, 2006


What do you do when you’re introduced to a girl who’s friendly, sassy, sharp as a pin and sports a major attitude, while having dinner at a hotel with an old friend? You speak to her for three minutes and come away with a favourable impression.

What do you do when this same girl sends you press releases and info on the hotel’s promos? - You put them up on your website. What do you do when this entails working closely and leads to sms-es, phone calls and msn chats?

She may be young but the woman’s got an opinion on everything and a major attitude to boot. She will not hesitate to hentam me kow kow if she thought I was out of line, which I find very refreshing.

What do you do when she tells you that she's 23 years old and you almost have apoplexy as you tell her you’re 47 and old enough to be her father and she still wants to be friends and go out? What do you do when she says sod wine cos it’s pretentious shit and let’s drink beer? That’s exactly my kind of person.

What do you do when you ask her to take care cos she’s coughing and has the flu and she blasts you that she can take care of herself and runs for cover? You ask her if she’s been hurt before and she says “no”.

Later on she tells you she’s just out of a relationship the past two months. Which explains the Mimosa effect to me. One tough cookie, like my momma’s chapattis.

What do you do when you tell her your ex was also a Libra but she was very diplomatic and she can come out with lines like “I don’t care what you think of me” or “your opinion is just your opinion” She’s a completely different Libra from the norm – upfront and in-your-face.

No, we have not been out. It’s only been phone calls, sms-es and msn. I guess it’s now down to the basics – will it be worth dodging the landmines (dealing with the attitude to get to break through) to the person behind?

From experience, it can be quite tiring to put up with precociousness and Mimosas get boring after a while. Also, all parties concerned are reading this blog right now so watch this space for more fireworks.
The following is a sample of Mimosa’s writing which she kindly shared with me. I have her permission to publish it.
Perfection As An Existence
I don't want to live in depression
But there seems to be so much complication
I'm dying to get out of this frustration
But I don't seem to have an option
I am craving for happy emotions
But all I feel is tension and agitation
Why must there be limitations?
Why must I be in such position?
Writing to me is a combination
Of both passion and addiction
I don't crave for people's attention
I don't believe in first impression
I don't care about people's perception
I don't care about other's observation
Because I don't want it to affect my motivation
But I do want some sort of connection
From the public, to determine my mission
It allows me to do some reflection
And to get out of this confusion
My insecurity of writing is demanding me for a decision
I need concentration
Fill me in with no hesitation
What exactly is my intention?
To make a living out of writing, my ambition?
There will be so many expectations
Can I handle the situation?
I need information and more information
To spell out what is perfectionI have a mission
I have a vision
But with low determination
I need to set focus to my destination
Before I die of exhaustion
I believe in my own intuition
I believe in my own invention
But I still need clarification
To determine my perfection

- Mimosa

What can I say but tsk tsk...children nowadays - very the rosak.

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