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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Part 2

Heya, guys and dolls. I’ve had 56 requests for part 2 of the story on the tigress. Unfortunately the tigress does not approve of my “creative license”. This is a picture of what I looked like after she was done with me, so the story will have to remain as a stand alone at one chapter.

I can’t be arsed to upload all your comments as they are very similar so I’ll do a chinonee FAQ and we can all get on with our lives, ok?

1. yes the characters are real, with the exception of Gabriel, Haridas and white
guy. The story is fictional, of course.
2. I’m still very much alive. Duuuuh!
3. yes the tigress is gorgeous, but more importantly she’s gorgeous as a human being, not
just physically.
4. yes, I will publish her picture. Look above.
5. Vincent used a .22 because it was a close shot, almost point blank. He would have
upgraded to a .35, a .38 or even a .45 magnum if necessary.
6. Ah Loong Koh’s ride is a ’96 Fat Boy and Vincent’s is a ’04 Springer.
7. there are 30 chapters in total. Chapter 2 would have introduced the origin of a powerful
thai monk.
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