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Sunday, October 24, 2004


Dave Avran digs into the alcoholic haze that is his memory and dispenses some sage advice to avoid a painful confrontation. Ouch.

A man cannot win an argument with a woman. Don't even bother trying. Sure you can win the battle but rest assured that you will lose the war. There is a double standard alive and well that clearly shouldn't be crossed.

Picture this - a woman stands in front of a judge and says that a man was threatening her, so she kicked his testicles in self-defense. Now picture a man in front of the same judge saying he felt threatened by a woman so he pushed her (no physical injury inflicted). Which person do you think has the best chance to walk out the door with no charges filed against them?

Etiquette supports this ... really! Even though paternalism is now considered a dirty word in our politically correct society, if I see an argument between a woman and a man I will immediately think that the man looks like an a$$hole. Especially if she is crying uncontrollably. I can't help it; it is somehow hardwired into my brain.

If a woman inflicts an injustice on you, don't argue. If she wants to draw you into an argument, don't waste your time. It's really important to stay cool and let the other person rant and rave. After they have cooled off, acknowledge their right to their point of view and calmly point out your side of the argument.

Your testicles will thank you profusely and so will your future generations. Believe me, I’ve been there and that’s the reason for my exalted position as falsetto in the church choir.

Men have more problems than women. In the first place, they have to put up with women” - Francoise Sagan
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man, you are one twisted mofo. no wonder you're still single. - Angie G
Sorry Angie, I disagree with you - he actually makes sense from a guy's point of view - Kenny Kang
Well then try wrapping your minds around the gay viewpoint of this sexist alpha male's sputterings.
Betcha this Dave chugs beer and smokes like a diesel engine.

- proudly gay
Eh, some respect please. You're welcome to post your comments but don't diss me, especially since you don't even bloody know me, geddit?
Jangan marah, brudder Dave, u bagi saya dia punya email dan saya akan cincang dengan parang dia bila dia sedang tidur, ya? - Indon playboy
sheesh! do all you guys really think all we ever do is cry? is this how far we've progressed as far as relationships are concerned?

- Gwen M
yes gwen. please don't cry...

Raymond G
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